A lawyer, intuitive coach, thought leader, founder, speaker & lover of life on a mission to create inspired platforms that connect our community, drive social wellness and revolutionize the way we live.

I'm an example of how to – from the inside out – embody who you truly are.

It all started with my name which foreshadows my life journey. Sepideh (Sep) means 'the first ray of light at sunrise' and symbolizes the coming of a new day after a period of darkness and struggle. 

As a child...

My curiosity to understand the human experience was fueled by my own struggles – living in a single parent low-income home, being an immigrant and minority, observing addiction and anxiety, and more. I sought out 'the answers' in books and addressed my personal limitations using various modalities.

As a young adult...

I looked like I had it all together – winning awards, landing myself at a big law firm, working with Fortune 500 companies, having an impressive home overlooking the ocean and more friends than you know. Even with all of my success, I felt flat, overworked and as if I was just going through the motions. There was a longing in my heart, a whisper – something was missing.


I immersed myself in modalities and practices for self-healing, meditation, intuition and coaching, sought teachers around the world, and attended more retreats than you could think of. Through this I realized the answers I sought could only be found in one place. The day I chose to get silent and take the journey within was the day I aligned with my true purpose.  
As the whisper inside grew to a roar, I was able to liberate more of myself from my wounding, conditioning and limitations and created space to embody what I wanted – an unlimited life. I discovered the universal laws.
I woke up feeling more alive, clear and whole.
I now believe that life is an art form and the more fully we become ourselves, or unbecome everything that we aren’t – our fullest expression emerges in and through us.


In my daily life I find myself bridging the gap between the head & the heart, the yin & yang, and the corporate & spiritual. I play in both worlds as a business & tech lawyer, and intuitive coach.
My personal journey has evolved into a proprietary method, known as EmbodyMthdTM, which blends various modalities of self-healing, meditation, intuition and coaching with the aim to activate and empower you to embody and lead an unlimited life.


I show up in service to my clients – who are the seekers, impact-driven leaders, changemakers, and healers in our community.




1 : 1 coaching sessions for personalized guidance & support to dive deeper within, liberate yourself from your limitations, and access new levels of awareness.




Experiential workshops and presentations for leaders to revolutionize the way they live.


Don't forget to stay in touch!




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1288 West Cordova St, Vancouver, BC, V6C 3R3